A Cup of Tea Changes the World
The Global Tea Break is a community built on trust innovation and support for business owners, entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises that want to connect and do business on a global stage. Our mission is to create a platform where we can share ideas, support and encourage innovation. We believe together we are stronger and can change the way we do business on a global scale.
Like the words in this saying
" You can give a person a hammer and chisel but he may not able to build a cabinet without learning and understanding of the skills required of a carpenter"
This a community that supports business owners worldwide.
Reserve Your Spot for Our Global Tea Break Network Meetings
As part of the growth strategy for The Global Tea Break, we need your help and input.
We are planning for 2024 and beyond and want to learn more about our community members and what additional services and features we can add to the Global Tea Break.
This is where we need your help, we have created a Global Tea Break Survey broken down into three sections Awareness, Resources, and Business Development.
We would appreciate your input and feedback to help us further create a valuable resource for you and your business and help us to grow the community
Special thank you to Kami Huyse for helping us put this Survey together.
Please click on the link to access the survey, https://bit.ly/gtbsurvey2023
Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
Alan & Scott.
A Cup of Tea is Brewed!
Communities are built around shared interests or hardships, in January of 2020, Alan Hennessy and D. Scott Smith decided to pull together a number of people with common interests and have an online networking meeting.
There was no “grand plan” to create anything more than an opportunity for those in business, business owners, freelance professionals, and solo entrepreneurs to meet and network.
The first “Virtual Global Tea Break” came together in February 2020. It was a rousing success and another was planned for the following month.
Then in March of 2020, the world changed. The meeting of those with a common interest now became a gathering of people enduring a shared hardship.
Businesses that government entities deemed to be “non-essential” were closed. Much of what was will never be again. The necessity of the “Tea Break” was more apparent.
Most of the Online networking meetings that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic ceased to exist and everyone returned to face-to-face meetings. Our global community did not have that luxury because of global placement, the Global Tea Break is here for business owners, entrepreneurs and people who want to connect worldwide. We offer a worldwide platform to nurture business relationships that span not just your local community but around the globe.
Join us for free and connect worldwide for free. Register Today so you do not miss another meetup.
Global Resources
Over the past year and a half, we have been delighted with the enthusiasm and sharing of so many international resources within the Global Tea Break Community including:
Collaborations on Projects
Expert Advice Shared on One To One Basis
Business Transactions
Network Building
Educational Resources
Discounted Members Pricing
Business Development
Guest Blog Posts
Webinars and GTBM Educational Pieces
If you would like to learn more share your expertise with the Global Tea Break community, please contact Alan or Scott for more detail
Email Alan: alan@kompassmedia.ie
Email Scott: scott@dscottsmith.com
Ted Rubin said it best when he wrote,
“A network gives you reach, but a community gives you power.”
Participants in s 2018 study reported that 2 of every 5 people felt isolated. On a personal and physical level, such feelings impact health and can lead to shortened life-spans. In business, the negative impact is accelerated resulting in a loss of revenue or a complete shuttering of the business.
Many businesses rely on professional networking. The connections have often been made at trade shows, symposiums, business mixers, and other events. Something had to change. The current world condition has mandated quarantine and exacerbated isolation.
Join us each month for 90 minutes of networking, education, and inspiration.