Episode 1. Interview with Kami Huyse
The Global Tea Break Podcast is hosted by Alan Hennessy and D. Scott Smith. This podcast is to educate, entertain and Inspire, and over the course of these podcasts, we will be chatting with members of the […]
The Global Tea Break Podcast is hosted by Alan Hennessy and D. Scott Smith. This podcast is to educate, entertain and Inspire, and over the course of these podcasts, we will be chatting with members of the […]
Welcome to a brand new Podcast from The Global Tea Break, Episode 0. Introduction to the Global Tea Break Podcast. Hosted by Alan Hennessy and D. Scott Smith. This podcast is to educate, entertain and Inspire, and […]
Books are incredibly important for numerous reasons, and sharing them within our community serves to enhance their impact even further. Here are some reasons why books are essential and why sharing them is beneficial: Knowledge and Learning: […]
Global Tea Break-Network Overview from Community member, Jean Evans JEAN EVANS Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you ready to do business beyond your borders? Have you heard of the Global Tea Break? Well, this week I’m here to […]
In “The President’s Analyst”, a 1967 satirical movie, James Coburn is chosen to be the psychological analyst to the President of the United States. In the beginning, it’s a pretty sweet deal. He gets an upgrade on […]
Over the past number of months, we have noticed that the days are just rolling into each other. Lately, we have found it harder to get out and do what we used to do, going to restaurants, […]